Wonder Woman or Just a Typical Mum/Business Owner?

Let’s face it: running your own business is tough. Being a Mum is tough. Putting the two together is plain crazy. Yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Fulfilling my role as a wife, mother and small business owner brings me great joy and satisfaction. This is why I happily invest my time and energy in growing my business …

5 Tips on How to Be Your Own Boss

When I’ve made the decision to start my own business, I knew it would be hard. I didn’t know exactly how hard it would be yet I knew that building a successful company would take time. I knew it would take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to gain the freedom and flexibility I desired. While I’ve fulfilled my …

The 6 Pillars of a Profitable Business

Running a successful business is like building a home, it takes a lot of hard work and essential materials. It certainly helps to adhere to the fundamentals of good business management. To say that these foundations can help you reach your most ambitious business goals is no exaggeration. So here are the most important pillars you need to run a …

7 Ways to Increase the Value of Your Business Before You Sell

You’ve reached the decision to sell your business maybe now, in 12 months or in three years time,  how much will it be worth? As any reasonable owner, you want to maximise the sale value as much as possible. But how is a small business valued? How to Calculate the Value of a Business for Sale As a general rule …

Where did my profit go?

“How did I make that much profit? I don’t have that much money in the bank.” It’s not uncommon for business owners to ask this question. But there’s a logical explanation behind it and the answer can be found in the balance sheet. It’s called ‘a statement of financial position’ for a reason. By looking at this key financial report, …

How a Win-Win Offer Can Help You Close Sales

A successful sale happens when a buyer and a seller agree to the terms of the offer. When crafting an offer, majority of small business owners make one of these two common mistakes: They offer their goods or services at very low prices. They make a sales offer that does not encourage future negotiation. There’s a third extremely effective sales …

How You Can Win Business With Persistence

Those of us with kids, or who are often surrounded by children, can nod knowingly at this all-too-common conversation: Child: Can I invite some friends over? Me: What friends? You don’t have those. Of course, I was just jesting at the last part. Kidding aside, if you have spent a considerable amount of time around small children, you have seen …

Is Your Business Going Insane? Get Help.

Albert Einstein defined insanity as the act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Sanity is the opposite of that –  it means changing how you used to do something (because it’s not producing the result you want) so you can hope for a favourable (or better) outcome. This act oddly scares people because …

Simple but Powerful Business lessons from a Nine-Year-Old Entrepreneur

In making an idea work or in running a small business, age matters little. You’ve probably heard of successful teenpreneurs and kidpreneurs making serious amount of money from their own small businesses. It’s no secret that smart, enthusiastic, and business-minded kids do exist.  Remember your classmate back in grade school who  made a profit with his lemon stand business? His …

Why Every Business Needs a Contingency Plan

At the beginning of the year, our team sat down together to discuss our goals and plans for the next 12 months. This included systems and plans that we want to implement this year to improve efficiencies and consistencies in how we do things. One of the suggestions put forward by my team was to create a “Mel contingency plan.” …

When Saying ‘No’ Means Saying ‘Yes’ to Success

Many entrepreneurs are so eager to do business they agree to all opportunities. This is usually the case for every small business owner trying to win customers to survive. You’ve probably heard the saying: “say yes, and figure out how to do it later.” While this may be true in some cases, it gets a bit tricky when the customer’s …

What Babies Can Teach Us About Business Success

Lately, I’ve been fascinated watching my daughter, Isabelle, grow from a baby into a toddler. On many occasions, I’ve observed her squint her eyes, steady her body, and push her chubby little legs – onward. Gazing toward me, she would stagger forward, fall repeatedly, and get back up again – eager to continue walking until she has mastered the technique. …