One thing 2020 taught us that the old adage “we’ve always done it that way” simply doesn’t stack up anymore. The year of 2020 proved to us that there is always the possibility of undertaking tasks in more than one way, and that taking a step back to consider alternate approaches can be extremely beneficial to your business.
When COVID-19 first struck in March 2020 I was employed as a business advisor providing support and guidance to business owners from various industries. We quickly adapted to providing this service via Zoom as many others did. One of the areas I advised in was the provision of Xero training. I was adamant up until this time that this had to be on a face-to-face basis in order to be effective. However, I was directed by my manager that I had no choice and to do my best to make it work.
Having no other option showed me that providing Xero training over Zoom was possible and just as effective as if we were to do it in person. I have successfully delivered Xero training via Zoom on many occasions since.
Although, this is a reasonably simple example of how I found myself needing to adapt, it highlights how even the simplest of tasks can be performed in a more effective manner if we take a step back and consider “What If?”
It has also encouraged me to consider which other aspects I can change to create efficiencies or provide a greater service.
As you prepare to get back in to the swing of things for 2021, I challenge you to consider how you may be able to do things differently in your business.
Following are some prompts which may help the ideas flow:
1. Who made the rule…
2. Why do we do it this way…
3. What if we try…
4. Yes, and…
5. How can we achieve…
Remember, keep an open mind and allow ideas to sit and ponder before automatically striking them out. You will be amazed at what you come up with.