Overcoming the struggle of keeping up with technology

We live in a time when we are surrounded by numerous forms of technologies to make our lives easier. Technological advancement has impacted on how businesses function and owners are constantly faced with pressures to keep up to date with new technologies to streamline, automate, create a digital presence, and cut costs.

Take, for example, the mobile phone. When I grew up there was no such thing as a mobile phone. In the space of 20 years I have witnessed mobile phones grow from clunky, impractical items to the device everyone carries, which has all but replaced the PC.

As businesses struggle to keep up with the constant shifts in technology, there is a perceived need to compete to deliver the most efficient product or service, to automate processes, to be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and so on.

Business owners are inundated with numerous options to cut costs and gain competitive advantage. It is difficult to know where to focus your attention, or which technologies to implement first to achieve momentum and progress within your business.

Answer the following questions to gain clarity and certainty as to which technologies, and business practices:

  1. What are the core components within your business that will never change?
  2. How can you utilise technology within your business to improve on the delivery of those core elements?
  3. Will this technology assist you in delivering your values to your customers, or your team in the medium term?


Adopting New Technologies

Consider the following factors when selecting and implementing technology within your business:


  1. Identify the needs of the business first. Don’t introduce a new technology simply because it is popular. Consider the functions you need to fill, and how the adoption will improve the business operations.
  2. Ensure the technology will grow with the business. The technology needs to suit the business for the foreseeable future and meet the business needs as it scales and matures.
  3. Ensure the team is on board with the change. Secure buy-in for the technology in the early stages by seeking input and granting ownership to the change. This will assist with a smoother adoption process and reduce the risk of wasted time and money on the implementation.


To gain and maintain a competitive edge in business, it is vital business owners are investigating new ways of delivering their product or service. However, this should not be at the detriment of the core business.